Dear Strong One.

Dear Strong One,

Like you, I am always pretending that everything is fine. Like you, I have to convince myself that I have a complete handle on life and all it is throwing me.  Like you, I know that you say it’s fine because it has to be. Like you, I think if you dare understand how much is being thrown at you, you may actually break down and who knows what or who is on the other side of that break down. Like you, I know that even though you brush it aside all the “I am proud of yous,” you actually really need to hear it. 

I am here to tell you that I am proud of you. Like you, I know that will sound like an expectation. Like you, my brain turns all compliments into some kind of standard. Like you, it feels like a cycle that never ends.  Like you, I need validation and like you, I also need to realize someone being proud of me, is in the moment praise, not another expectation.

Like you, I need to be reminded that you will still be loved when you break. Like you, I need to be reminded that I am lovable for who you are.  Like you, I need to be reminded that you are perfect for being just you. Like you, I am scared because I have been this person always trying to achieve a level of perfection to be loved and I am not sure of the person under of that is one that will be loved or liked.

Like you, I deserve to be loved anyways.

Dear Strong One, I see you. Dear Strong One, you are worthy. Dear Strong One, you deserve love for who you are. Dear Strong One, you weather storms with perfection but that isn’t who you are and it isn’t why you are loved and liked. Dear Strong One, it’s okay to rest. Dear Strong One, I love you, for you.

“To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.” - Alan Watts